Monday, June 8, 2009

A MidSpring Night’s Dream Contest 1st Place Winner

Now that the contest is finished I wanted to post my necklace that won 1st Place.

Fairy Dust

The fairy focal piece is a vessel with a cork at the top. I purchased this item from Bead Island. I teach at this store at least once a month and just happen to see it. The fairy is wrapped in a Netted Bezel in sterling silver wire.

The leaves that come off each side of the fairy are made from sterling silver and copper wire. The copper wire is weaved from one side to the other side. The flowers are beads that are wired together using the center bead and surrounded by AB crystals. There are two flower beads that attach the wire leaves to the viking knit at each side.

This was my first attempt at viking knit. I used copper wire, I did not know how long the necklace would be until I put it together, because I could shorten the viking knit if needed and not worry about wasting sterling silver wire.

The closure at the top is from my swap partner. We had to make a component and swap it with another person. We then had to use their item in our design. This is not an easy task when you have a lot of creative ideas in your head, because you need to incorporate something that you have not seen into your design.

Thanks for looking.


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